All lime is not the same. While all lime contains calcium, an essential element for the formation of cell walls, and all lime neutralizes acid in the soil, the “reaction time” can be anywhere from 2 weeks to 25+ years, depending on the form of the lime. The determining factor in how quickly a lime prod- uct will act is how finely the lime is ground. (The finer the lime, the quicker it acts.) This is deter- mined by passing the product through screens with openings specified by a U.S. standard. The screen “size” is the openings per inch.
With pelletized lime, it is sized before the pelletizing process. This process binds the lime together into pellets using an organic binder for easy, dust-free spreading. Once applied, the lime is quickly broken down into its original form by moisture. With pelletized lime, the reaction time is deter- mined by the form of the lime prior to pelletizing, which means that not all pelletized limes behave the same. For example, SoilSweet is pulverized lime before pelletizing, while GMF calcium is made from “superfines”.
Use the two charts below as a guide to how quickly the various lime products we offer will act.
The amount of material required to change pH depends on the type of soil. There are three basic soil types – sandy, loam and clay. Sandy soils dry out rapidly and clay soils do not absorb water, but puddle and run off.
To raise pH 1 point by broadcast spreading add: (per 1000 sq.ft.)
To lower pH 1 point by broadcast spreading add: (per 1000 sq.ft.)
Ideal for vegetable and flower gardens. Fast-acting, finely-ground particles that neutralize soil acidity. A natural source of calcium and magnesium that promotes healthy bacterial action.
40 lbs. 80/pallet

Extended-release coarse granules that enhance fertilizer effectiveness. Supplies calsium, and magnesium that neutralizes. Soil acidity over time..
40 lbs. 80/pallet
Calcium sulfate with 20-23% available calcium and 15-19% sulfur in a pelleted form. Loosens heavy clay soils and aids soil aeration and water percolation. Leaches out excessive amounts of sodium and magnesium. Counteracts winter salt damage.
50 Ibs. 50/ pallet Kirby
40 Ibs. 70/ pallet Soil Doctor
Superior quality ground marble marking material designed for use on all types of athletic fields.
50 lbs. 56/pallet
Enhanced high calcium lime—36%
Calcium: A unique formulation of soluble calcium complexed with INTENSIFY Soil Microbial Bieocatalyst.
50lb bag covers up to 10,000 sq. ft.
SOLU-CAL Humic Plus
The power of activated Humic/Fulvic Acid teamed with Solu-Cal soluble calcium in a dust-free pellet.
50lb bag covers 11,000 sq. ft.
Higher in Magnesium
Granular Limestone

Bag Size 40 lbs.
(80 bags/Pallet)
Higher in Magnesium
Peletized LawnLime

Bag Size 40 lbs.
(70 bags/Pallet)
Higher in Magnesium
Pulverized GardenLime

Bag Size 40 lbs.
(80 bags/Pallet)
Higher in Magnesium
Pelletized Gypsum

Bag Size 40 lbs.
(70 bags/Pallet)