We have a full line of seeds for your farm.  Conventional and organic varieties available.

Brevant corn seed conventional

Small Grains (Semican, Albert Lea)

Timothy: common and improved varieties

Clovers (red, white) Common and improved varieties


Many improved grasses for hay and grazing

Many stock mixes available for hay and pasture

Custom mixes available (250 lbs. min)

Pasture Mix

All-purpose mix with a variety of grasses and clavers that provide good feed value for horses or cattle. Varieties selected to provide feed through summer months with proper maintenance. Also has quick recovery properties.

Seed Ratio: 25lbs/acre (50lbs if broadcast).

30% Orchardgrass
30% Duo Festulolium Perennial Ryegrass
20% Forage Tall Fescue
10% Tetraploid Perennial Ryegrass
5% Starfire Red clover
5% Legacy White clover

Horse Pasture North

A high-quality mix designed for horses, hay, or pasture. Overseeds well into existing stands to provide ample hay production or better footbed in horse paddocks.

Seed Ratio: New at 25 lbs/acre. Overseed at 15 lbs/acre. If the broadcast seeding method is used, increase the rate by 50%.

59% Kentucky Blue Grass
35% Timothy
6% Ladino Clover


Grass Hay/Pasture Mix

A fast-establishing grass-only mix that is fit for long-term pastures and hay production. Dries down quickly when used for hay.

Seed Ratio: 30-35lbs/acre. If the broadcast seeding method is used, increase the rate by 50%.

25% Improved Meadow Fescue
25% Improved Meadow Bromegrass
15% Improved Tall Fescue
10% Annual
10% Tetraploid Perennial Rye
15% Restulalium

T-A Mix

For hay, silage, or green chop. Will tolerate somewhat poorly drained and acidic soils. Dries down well for baled hay.

Seed Ratio: 15lbs/acre

80% Timothy
20% Alsike clover

T-A-R Mix

For hay, silage, or green chop. Will tolerate somewhat poorly drained and acidic soils. Includes Medium Red clover (early mature) which encourages availability of two crops for haying. Good choice for low inputs. Clover supplies nitrogen to grasses.

Seed Ratio: 15lbs/acre

50% Timothy
30% Medium Red clover
20% Alsike clover

T-A-R-A Mix

For hay, silage, or green chop. Needs to be seeded on well-drained soils but is highly drought tolerant. Alfalfa helps reduce the risk of bloat and maintains good soil pH.

Seed Ratio: 15lbs/acre

40% Alfalfa
30% Timothy
20% Medium Red clover
10% Alsike

T-W Mix

Hay mix for horses, silage, or green chop. Will takerate somewhat poorly drained and acidic soils. Dries down well for baled hay.

Seed Ratio: 15lbs/acre

80% Timothy
20% White clover

T-W-R Mix

For hay, silage, or green chop. Will tolerate somewhat poorly drained and acidic soils. Includes Medium Red clover (early mature) which encourages availability of two crops for haying. Good choice for low inputs. Clover supplies nitrogen to grasses.
This can be fed to horses but can be difficult to dry down for baled hay.

Seed Ratio: 15lbs/acre

50% Timothy
30% Medium Red clover
20% White clover

Horse Lawn

Want to let your horses graze on your lawn?  Use this endophyte-free lawn mix.  Seed at 5-6lbs per 1000 sq. ft.

Sizes: 25lb, & 50lb

40% Duo Festulolium
25% Creeping Red Fescue
20% Kentucky Bluegrass
10% Feast II Annual Tetraploid Ryegrass
5% Highland Rentgrass

Available Sizes: 25lb & 50lb

Catamount Seed Custom Services

Custom Blends – L.D. Oliver Seed offers custom seed blending of turf and forage mixes. There
is a 250lb minimum order per blend. Each custom blend request receives a quote, which requires a
50% deposit when order is placed, and the blend is non-returnable.
Custom Labeling – L.D. Oliver Seed offers custom labeling for large scale, high volume cus-
tomer/distributors. Minimums for these blends are 10,000 pounds per year and 1,000lbs per order.
Each custom blend seed mix can be packaged in various sizes to meet the minimums.

Please contact our office for information regarding custom services.
(802) 893-1241 or moc.deesrevilodl@ecivresremotsuc