L.D. Oliver Northeastern
Wildflower Mix
A mixture of 20 native and naturalized wildflowers specially formulated for this area. A combination of annual, biennial, and perennial wildflowers offer an ever-changing carpet of color through the seasons.
1/2 lb. Shaker & 4 lb. Bucket
Application: 1/2 lb. per
3000 sq. ft., 4 to 8 lbs. per acre
10.75% Blue Flax
10.00% Scarlet Flax
10.00% Siberian Wallflower
10.00% Sweet William
10.00% Cornflower
8.00% Consolida Regalis
6.00% Garden Cosmos
6.00% Baby’s Breath
*None of the following individual components exceed 5% of the total mix: Purple Coneflower, California Poppy, Plains Coreopsis, Wild Lupine, Arroyo Lupine, Common Poppy, Toadflax, Indian Blanket, Lanced-Leaved Coreopsis, Mountain Garland, White Yarrow, New England Aster.

L.D. Oliver Northeastern
Perennial Wildflower Mix
A mixture of 13 perennial wildflowers specially formulated for the northeast.
Available sizes:
1/2 lb. Shaker & 4 lb. Bucket
Application: 1/2 lb. per
3000 sq. ft., 4 to 8 lbs. per acre
17.00% Perennial Lupine
13.00% California Poppy
12.00% Siberian Wallflower
11.00% Blue Flax
8.00% Lance Leaf Coreopsis
8.00% Purple Coneflower
8.00% Sweet William
*None of the following individual components exceed 5% of the total mix: Blanket Flower, Shasta Daisy, Prairie Coneflower-Yellow, Black-Eyed Susan, Ox-Eye Daisy, White Yarrow.

Mountain Valley Seeds – Bee Polinator

Mountain Valley Seeds – Aromatic

Mountain Valley Seeds – Hummingbird & Butterfl
Establishing Wildflowers

Rake the area to form grooves.

Broadcast seed with shaker or cyclone seeder per recommended seeding rate.

Lightly rake over the area to ensure proper soil/seed contact.

Early spring is the best time to plant, but dormant seeding is also an option. Late summer seeding should be 8-9 weeks before the first frost.

A non-competing companion grass such as sheep fescue or hard fescue will bulk up the mix for easier application. It will help stabilize the soil until wildflowers become established and decrease annual weed competition. Use 4 lbs. per 1000 sq. ft. with the wildflower mix.
Maintenance: Established wildflowers do not require a lot of maintenance. If natural rainfall does not occur, watering will aid in germination and establishment. Mow the area in the fall. This will make the area neater, and spread the seeds of the annuals for germination in the fallowing year.